Current Intimate Partner
Refers to an individual who is currently involved in a close and typically romantic relationship with the victim. This could include spouses, live-in partners, or individuals in committed relationships.
Former Intimate Partner
An individual who was previously involved in a close and typically romantic relationship with the victim but is no longer in that relationship. This category can include ex-spouses, former partners, or individuals who were previously in a romantic relationship with the victim.
Someone known to the victim, but with whom they do not have a close or intimate relationship. This could include individuals with whom the victim has had casual interactions or knows casually, such as neighbours, co-workers, or people from social circles.
Brief Encounter
Refers to a short and often casual interaction or meeting between individuals who may not know each other well or have any significant relationship. This encounter typically does not involve any ongoing connection or relationship beyond the initial meeting.
Someone whom the victim does not know or is not familiar with. This individual has no prior relationship or acquaintance with the victim and is essentially unknown to them.
Family Member
A person who is related to the victim by blood, marriage, or adoption. This includes relatives such as parents, siblings, children, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.
Person Of Authority
An individual who holds a position of power, influence, or control over others in a particular context. This could include individuals such as Police officers, MPs, Royalty, Law enforcement officers, Government officials, Supervisors, Health services, Teachers, or Religious leaders, who can make decisions, enforce rules, or exert authority over others.
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